• Disabled Faculty and Staff Association
  • Journal for Research & Practice in College Teaching

    The Journal for Research and Practice in College Teaching was established under the auspices of the AFTL. We would like to showcase the excellent work that our members do, both in scholarly teaching and the scholarship of teaching and learning. We hope the journal might serve as a way to make our work more public, and in doing so, inspire others. The editorial board includes, Ruth Benander, Rita Kumar, Brenda Refaei, and Gene Kramer. Journal reviewers include: Amil Menon, Rebecca Leugers, Debbie Page, Brad Mallory, Fenfang Hwu, Anton Harfmann, Karen Lankisch, Mark Raider, and Charles Matthews.

    The Journal of Research and Practice in College Teaching's objective is to publish articles focused on promoting student learning. Articles should address themes around promoting effective practices in teaching and learning. The Journal reflects the breadth of the work in the scholarship of teaching and learning. We accept articles in the following categories.

    1. Data-Driven Studies: formal research projects using appropriate empirical methods for examining a particular research question. Acceptable articles establish a research rigor that leads to significant new understanding of pedagogy.
    2. Literature Reviews: reviews should illuminate new relationships and understanding of the area under review. Literature reviews include meta-analysis, analytical and integrated reviews.
    3. Case Studies: should focus on an intense analysis of a specific teaching situation or problem that led to a solution. Case studies should have the following components: description of the teaching situation or problem, solution or solutions attempted, quantitative or qualitative analysis of the effectiveness of the solution, reflection on the implications and possible generalization to other settings or populations.