• Disabled Faculty and Staff Association
  • The Academy of Fellows for Teaching & Learning - AFTL

    Welcome to the Academy of Fellows for Teaching & Learning at the University of Cincinnati. Our group of scholars are dedicated to innovative, engaging, and effective teaching. We support the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, support each other in our teaching efforts through peer review, and showcase best practices at our annual Teaching Showcase.


    AFTL strives to place students at the center, grow research excellence in the scholarship of teaching and learning, achieve academic excellence, and forge key relationships that advance pedagogy at the University of Cincinnati. Members of the Academy will:

    • Honor and reward faculty who demonstrate excellence in pedagogical practice, research, development, and scholarship.
    • Provide leadership in improving the quality and depth of the learning experience for students.
    • Encourage pedagogical methods that encourage more learning-centered engagement with UC’s students.
    • Advance and foster scholarly teaching and the scholarship of teaching and learning.
    • Develop relationships and partnerships to help UC to become a educational reform leader.
    • Advise and communicate to the administration issues related to the instructional mission of the university.
    • Encourage pedagogical innovation, experimentation, evaluation and assessment.
    • Develop and disseminate models of teaching that foster student learning.
    • Conduct university-wide events on teaching effectiveness.
    • Serve as mentors to faculty desiring to enhance their teaching effectiveness.
    • Work with and serve as a resource to the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning.

    NOTE TO UC FACULTY AND STAFF: More details about events, programs, and AFTL membership can be found on our AFTL Bearcats Landing intranet site (UC login required). Please visit us there!