Choose Happy

Unlock happiness in 90 minutes! Dive into well-being science and practical actions. Choose joy today!

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Choose Happy

Wednesday, October 16, 6:30 - 8:00PM
$29 / One Class

Instructor: Marisela Ramos_Rico
Location: Victory Parkway Campus

What makes you happy?
Do you consider yourself a happy person?
Where are you looking for happiness?
As human beings, we get the chance to make choices every day. I want to invite you to CHOOSE HAPPY!

In this 90-minute session, we will learn about the Science of Wellbeing—the difference between feeling happy and being happy. You will walk out with practical actions to take control of your happiness.

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Self Love. Practical Ways to Grow it!

Wednesday, September 11, 6:30 - 8:00PM
$29 / One Class

Instructor: Marisela Ramos_Rico
Location: Victory Parkway Campus

We all know Self-love is important but when it comes to the HOW do I love myself more... sometimes we get stuck. Join this class and learn wonderful practical techniques and actions to increase your self-esteem, self-confidence and self-care. Based on the teachings of Louise Hay and her "Heal your Life" program.

About Your Instructor

Headshot of Marisela Ramos

Marisela Ramos

Marisela Ramos: Life cheerleader, Positive Psychology Facilitator, "Heal Your Life" coach. Passionate about gratitude and abundance.

Invite a friend to come to class with you!