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  • Service-Learning for Students

    Looking to get career experience and connect to your community in a supportive classroom environment? Check out a Service-Learning class! Service-Learning is an approach to education that helps you learn your course material while producing work of real value for a nonprofit organization that serves the community.

    In a Service-Learning course, you will:

    • Build your professional network as you work directly with people in the community
    • Add high-impact work and new skills to your resume
    • Get the opportunity to learn about and empower your community
    • Learn the course material through real world, hands-on experience
    • Earn course credit

    Many courses in every college across the university incorporate service-learning. These courses are marked with an "S" attribute in the course catalog.

    To find a Service-Learning course:

    1. Search class offerings in the course catalogue
    2. Choose your semester
    3. Click Additional Search Criteria
    4. Course Attribute: choose “UC Transcripted Attributes”
    5. Course Attribute Value: choose “Service Learning Course”

    There are also opportunities to get paid for your work at a nonprofit organization with our Service-Learning 正规博彩平台 Program.


    Are you looking for community service outside of a classroom setting or opportunities for individual service hours? 参观 UC Center For Community Engagement to find volunteer opportunities.