
联邦补贴, Unsubsidized and PLUS 贷款 can carry with them loan 费用 that are taken out of the principal prior to disbursement. 因此, borrowers can find that the total of their loan disbursements may be slightly lower than the amount borrowed.

最终, repayment is based on the gross amount borrowed (not the net amount that accounts for these 费用). This amount is on your disclosure statement sent to you whenever a new loan is secured. As well, a loan could have accrued 感兴趣 何时开始还款.

Origination Fee Based on 支付日期

Origination 费用 are collected to help pay for the administration of the loan programs by the U.S. Departments of Education and Treasury. These 费用 are similar to processing 费用 often attached to consumer loans.

For Direct 贷款 after July 1, 2012

Direct 贷款 with their first disbursement on or after July 1, 2012, have a straight forward origination fee. Direct 补贴 and Unsubsidized 贷款 have a 1.0%发起费. Direct PLUS 贷款 (for parents or graduate students) have a 4.0%发起费.


Due to the government sequester that went into effect on March 1, 2013, loan origination 费用 on new federal loans first disbursed (sent to UC) increased slightly. Again, this is only on new loans disbursed for the first time on or after July 1, 2013. Fee rates that are date-specific affect acceptance, loan increases or 贷款流程 completions later in the academic year.

New rates that replaced the 1% 补贴 and Unsubsidized fee and 4% PLUS fee.


补贴 &


10/1/23 - 9/30/24



10/1/22 - 9/30/23



10/1/21 - 9/30/22



10/1/20 - 9/30/21



10/1/19 - 9/30/20



10/1/18 - 9/30/19



10/1/17 - 9/30/18



10/1/16 - 9/30/17



10/1/15 - 9/30/16



10/1/14 - 9/30/15



12/1/13 - 9/30/14



7/1/13 - 11/30/14



* In the 感兴趣 of full disclosure, lower rates for a loan first disbursed after October 1 can save the borrower 费用. 然而, the reduced rate after October 1, 2020, translates to 11 cents in lesser 费用 on a $5,500 student loan and 80 cents on a $10,000 PLUS贷款. Required rounding of the 费用 to whole dollars by the Department of Education may result in only a modest (if any) adjustment to your loan. Borrowers who intentially delay loans until after October 1 for loan fee reductions still have tuition bills 如期到期 为了避免滞纳金.

For Direct 贷款 taken at UC between July 1, 2010, and June 30, 2012

UC switched to the Direct Lending program in 2010-11. Direct 补贴 and Unsubsidized 贷款 had a 1.0%发起费 charged with a 0.5%的预付利息回扣. 因此, students experienced only a 0.5% fee subtracted from the gross amount borrowed during this timeframe.

Direct Parent and Graduate PLUS 贷款 had a 4.0%发起费 with an up front 感兴趣 rebate of 1.5%的结果只有2.5% reduction from the borrowed amount.

Student or parent borrowers who fail to make on-time payments when their loans are in repayment risk having the up front 感兴趣 rebate for all Direct 贷款 added back onto their principle loan balance.

For 贷款 Prior to June 30, 2010

Lenders were allowed to charge an origination fee to help defray some of the costs of loaning money when repayment may be delayed for several years. Maximum 费用 were set by legislation. The 3% maximum was in effect for Federal PLUS 贷款, but Federal Stafford 贷款 saw annual reductions to the maximum down to a 1% fee during 2009-10.


With each new loan secured in your name, a disclosure statement is issued that outlines terms of the loan, 量, 费用, 付款日期. Carefully review and keep these statements to better understand your loan and any 费用 taken out before the funds are sent to UC in your name.


When estimating 量 for 联邦直接 贷款, you should estimate the same way the 计费系统 will predict semester loan 量.

Take the total (gross) loan amount accepted on your award offer and subtract 1.062% (or 1.059%, if loan accepted after October 1) off of 补贴 and Unsubsidized 贷款 and 4.248% (or 4.236%, if loan accepted after October 1) off of Parent and Graduate PLUS 贷款 to account for both origination and default 费用. Then divide this net loan amount by the number of loan payments (usually 2 as most loans are for the 2-term academic year).

通过估算这些费用, you will be able to better anticipate any remaining balance that needs to be covered after all aid is applied toward your bill.

Given the shifting changes in origination 费用 that occur mid-year, a billing estimate may differ from an actual loan amount but that difference should be minimal.

总是 重新核对您的账单 following a loan posting to your account to ensure any 量 due are paid in a timely manner