• 2024 Title IX Regulations
  • Student Religious Accommodations for Courses Policy

    Policy Number: 1.3.7

    Category: Administration

    Effective Date: April 3, 2023

    Policy Owner: Vice President for Equity, Inclusion & Community Impact, Office of the Provost, Office of General Counsel

    Policy applicable for: Faculty/Employees/ Students

    Enabling Acts: R.C. 3345.024

    Responsible Office(s): Office of the Provost, Office of Equal Opportunity & Access


    This Policy applies to University of Cincinnati (“University”) students and employees, including but not limited to faculty. 

    Ohio Revised Code 3345.024要求俄亥俄州的每一所公立大学在考试或其他学术要求和缺课方面采取一项政策,为真诚持有的宗教信仰和实践提供合理的便利.  In addition to the requirements set forth in R.C. 3345.024, the University has and will continue to abide by all federal, state, 当地法律法规要求为信仰或宗教信仰或精神信仰体系的学生提供合理的便利. 


    Pursuant to R.C. 3345.024, 在所有考试或其他学术要求,以及因信仰或宗教信仰或精神信仰系统而缺课的情况下,大学采取以下政策,合理照顾个别学生真诚持有的宗教信仰和实践:

    1. 学生每学期因信仰、宗教信仰、精神信仰等原因休假或参加有组织的宗教活动,旷课不超过三天, church, or other religious or spiritual organization.  因信仰、宗教信仰、精神信仰等原因,或参加有组织的宗教活动,一学期缺课3天以上者, church, or other religious or spiritual organization may make a request for such additional days.  教师将审查特定的请求,并酌情与提出请求的学生进行互动,以确定是否以及如何满足超过三天的请求.  根据本政策规定,学校不得因学生旷课而对其进行学术处罚. 
    2. 对于因本政策第(1)条所述缺课而错过的考试和其他学术要求,可以为学生提供其他住宿, if both of the following apply:
      1. 学生虔诚的宗教信仰或实践严重影响学生参加考试或达到学业要求的能力.
      2. 不迟于某一特定面对面课程第一天授课后14天, 或者不迟于学期第一天后的14天,以混合或在线形式授课, 学生向教师提供书面通知,说明学生要求替代住宿的具体日期.  在这14天内提供通知的学生将被授予最多三天的假期,因为信仰或宗教或精神信仰系统的原因,或参加在宗教派别主持下进行的有组织的活动, church, or other religious or spiritual organization.  A student may request an alternative accommodation outside of the fourteen-day window, 但这一要求应在合理可行的情况下尽快提出,并且必须在学生预计缺课之前提出.  教师将审查特定的请求,并酌情与提出请求的学生进行互动,以确定是否以及如何满足该请求.
    3. 教师应当毫无疑问地接受学生宗教信仰或精神信仰体系的真实性. 教师应根据适用法律,包括家庭最大的博彩平台权利和隐私法,对其他住宿要求保密. The instructor shall schedule a time and date for an alternative examination, 在考试或其他学术要求原定的时间和日期之前或之后进行,但不得对考试或其他学术要求产生不利影响.
    4. 本政策将发布在大学平等机会和机会办公室(“OEOA”)的网站上,并附有OEOA个人的联系信息,他们可以提供有关本政策的更多信息. 
    5.  OEOA将公布未来两个学年的主要宗教节日或节日名单.  The posted list is non-exhaustive, 该名单不能被用来拒绝为学生提供住宿,因为学生的信仰或宗教或精神信仰系统没有出现在名单上.
    6.  Instructors must include in each course syllabus a statement regarding this Policy. The statement shall include both of the following:
      1. A description of the general procedure for requesting accommodations.
      2. 有关本政策的更多信息,学生可以联系个人的联系信息.

    本政策不应被解释为冲突或损害受美国法律保护的任何权利或活动.S. Constitution or other applicable federal law.  Nothing in this Policy, 大学公布的名单(如本政策第5条所述)不得包括或排除任何宗教节日或节日。, 应排除学生对任何真诚持有的宗教信仰和实践的充分和合理的安排,涉及所有考试或其他学术要求,以及因信仰或宗教或精神信仰系统原因缺课. 


    Any student with concerns about an alleged violation of this Policy is strongly encouraged, but not required, to first discuss those concerns with their instructor.  Students may also report their concerns to OEOA.

    Religious Observances for the Academic Term

    Religious Observances for the Academic Term is a non-exhaustive collection of major religious holidays and/or festivals. 学生信仰或宗教信仰或精神信仰体系的特定节日或节日的缺席不应被用来拒绝住宿.

    Contact Information

    For additional assistance please contact the Executive Director of Equal Opportunity & Access.

    5150 Edwards Center 1
    45 Corry Blvd
    Cincinnati, OH 45221