University Threat Assessment Team

The University Threat Assessment Team (UTAT) serves to identify potential risks of harm to persons or property of the university at an early a stage as possible and to work constructively and collaboratively with all involved parties before problems escalate.

UTAT is composed of:

  • Director of Public Safety/警察 Chief, who serves as the chair
  • UCPD Command Staff
  • UCPD Investigative Unit Lieutenant
  • Executive Director of Counseling and Psychological Services
  • Dean of Students
  • Director of Student Conduct
  • Title IX Coordinator
  • Human Relations
  • Office of General Counsel
  • Provost’s Office

The UCPD Investigative Unit Lieutenant is also a member of the Crisis, Assessment, Referral and Evaluation (CARE) Team and, as such, communicates with and between both groups.

Signs of potential threat/harm to self or others 

  • History with mental health issues
  • Demonstrating signs of high levels of anxiety/stress
  • Signs of social withdrawal
  • Belief in violence as an appropriate way to manage problems
  • Identifying with or idolizing persons who have engaged in violence towards others
  • Threats to bring weapons to school/work
  • Brags about having weapons
  • Threatening/harassing phone calls or emails
  • Signs of substance abuse
  • Signs of depression/severe mood swings
  • Disruptive or threatening behavior
  • Displays of paranoia or distrust
  • Unusual or change interaction patterns
  • Written work with reference to self-harm, harm to others or content that appears strange
  • Change in performance
  • Change in mood
  • Inappropriate or exaggerated emotional reactions

What can you do?

If there is an emergency, call 9-1-1. If you have ongoing concerns of a person or a situation that may escalate into violence, but no current emergency exists, call Public Safety at 513-556-1111. Please clearly state your concerns and whether immediate police response is necessary or if a follow up by UTAT is appropriate.

What to expect from a referral

If necessary, police will respond immediately. 否则, when you make a referral, someone from the university threat assessment team will speak with you about the concerning situation.  The team will gather facts about the situation from various individuals and sources, then the team will analyze the information to see if there is a threat posed. In situations where there is a threat posed, the team will work with university offices and others to take necessary steps to reduce risk, help provide support to all who need it, and maintain safety.  The goal of the threat assessment process is to ensure the safety of the campus community and of all involved.