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  • International Student Experiences

    What is it like to be an international student at the University of Cincinnati?

    Ask students who have come here!

    Jasmine Shaban, Lebanon, Industrial Design

    International student Jasmine Shaban says UC found her when she really needed it.

    “My home country was met with political and economic unrest that left my educational future and potential in a state of uncertainty,” she says.

    A graphic design major at the time, Jasmine was searching for a program abroad that would open doors for her in the future, and all signs pointed to UC. Before she knew it, she went from living with her parents to living by herself in a different country — but she was never alone.

    “At such a volatile time in my life, UC’s international office was very supportive and considerate,” Jasmine says. “They made the process less stressful and truly made me feel welcomed. I honestly don’t know what I would have done if it wasn’t for their kindness that has even remained consistent to this day.”

    Alejandro Diaz, Honduras, Information Systems and Finance

    When Alejandro Diaz first learned about UC, it was love at first sight — or love before sight, since he came from Honduras.

    “I actually confirmed enrollment and signed my apartment lease before I ever stepped foot in Cincinnati!”

    It was UC’s nationally-ranked programs, such as co-op, that sealed the deal for Alejandro. Through co-op, Alejandro has completed two internships working in finance, accounting and investments at local companies.

    “These experiences have enabled me to apply the concepts learned in class to a real and professional role,” he says.

    Zedekia Samara, Tanzania, Information Technology

    Zedekia Samara learned about UC through its connection to Village Life Outreach Project, a Cincinnati-based non-profit organization focused on health outcomes for three remote villages in Tanzania.

    He began his studies in UC's Accelerated College English (ACE) program as a way to improve his academic English skills while still working toward a degree in information technology.

    "I consider the ACE program as a building block for academic excellence, especially when college education is concerned."

    Zed's favorite experiences have included meeting friends from different corners of the globe.

    "I love that the U.S. is quite a diverse place, especially being here in the university. You meet people from all across the world. I don't really think there is a place that you can meet such a diverse community as the one that I've met here."

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    Thousands of students choose to call Cincinnati their home each year, and you can, too. Take the first step and apply to the University of Cincinnati.