• For Faculty
  • Jack Hodges

     Jack Hodges is a 4th year student at the University of Cincinnati with a double major in Secondary Education in ELA and an English Literature and Cultural Studies major. He has completed his Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) certification and hopes to create a learning environment in his future diversified classrooms where all can thrive and grow past any expectations that they may set for themselves. Jack currently student teaches at Hughes Stem High School and his students have average multiple grade levels of growth from the beginning to middle of the year. At Hughes he coaches the wrestling team where under his coaching it has grown to three times its usual amount and the average wrestling team GPA has risen an entire grade. When not teaching or coaching, Jack spends his evening directing with Saint Ursula Academy’s theatre department guiding young independent students to learn how to thrive on the stage and also grow as leaders off stage. In the Summer, Jack works at St. Xavier High School “Companion Scholars Program” where he mentors and teaches young boys, grades 6th – 8th, to become better students, leaders, and holistic men. In his free time Jack works with various non-profits in the tri-state area, so he can continue giving back to a community which gave him so much.  

    In the future Jack wants to become a teacher in the Cincinnati area. He wishes to in a place where he can be involved with extracurriculars, help student pursue lives in service work, assist students in gaining the confidence to be intrinsically motivated to be great students, and leave a lifelong impact.  
