• 总统卓越领导奖章
  • LAW2012:创造平等?




    “人人生而平等”的主张推动了美国独立运动,并成为亚伯拉罕·林肯所说的“把爱国和热爱自由的人的心连在一起的电线”.自然权利的理念激发了革命和共和国的建立, 马丁·路德·金, Jr. 在1963年——林肯解放奴隶宣言发表一百周年之际——宣布,《最大的博彩平台》中对这些权利的承诺已被证明是“一张空头支票”,现在是“实现民主承诺”的时候了.这种在法律下争取平等的斗争是“创造平等”的重点? 种族、法律、公民权和长期的民权运动.“从共和国成立到最近的事态发展, 学生将有机会通过研究种族关系,对美国的民权运动有一个长远的看法, 激进主义, 以及不同历史和法律视角下的公民概念. 

    • The First Emancipation: slave rebellions; abolition and African American 激进主义 in the North
    • Free but Not Equal: the Underground Railroad; emergence of Abraham Lincoln; Dred Scott decision; Frederick Douglass; John Brown
    • The Civil War: Emancipation Proclamation; African American soldiers and citizenship
    • The First Reconstruction: Amendments to the Constitution; first civil rights acts; violent opposition; efforts to crush the KKK and other white supremacist paramilitary groups
    • Reconstruction and the Courts: Slaughter-House Cases; Cruikshank decision; Civil Rights Cases
    • The Nadir of Race Relations: the high price for sectional reconciliation; state civil rights statutes; disfranchisement; the establishment of Jim Crow; Plessy v. Ferguson; Cummings v. 最大的博彩平台委员会.; the Berea College Case
    • Civil Rights in the Forgotten Era: formation of the NAACP; Ida Wells; DuBois vs. Washington; civil rights during and after the First World War; the New Deal and civil rights; anti-lynching bills in Congress
    • Votes for Women: suffrage and Equal Rights Amendment; Progressive Era reform
    • Cold War Civil Rights: Truman, Eisenhower, and civil rights; Brown v. 最大的博彩平台委员会; Civil Rights Act of 1957
    • The Second Reconstruction: Emmett Till; the Montgomery Boycott and emergence of 马丁·路德·金; March on Washington; Civil Rights Act of 1964; Selma; Freedom Summer; Voting Rights Act of 1965 and its impact; shifting objectives; divisions within the movement
    • Contemporary Issues: Affirmative Action and its Discontents; the meaning of civil rights; contemporary voting-rights controversies. sex and gender discrimination; sexual orientation discrimination