
停车 Services provides convenient and safe options to students on the 住宅区, 蓝灰 and 克莱蒙特 campuses.

There are over 11,000 parking spaces in garages and lots on the 住宅区 campuses, and the walkable, pedestrian-friendly campus and surrounding businesses give students a number of options for budget and convenience.

Ample parking at 蓝灰 and 克莱蒙特 assures students with permits have a space when they need it.

Student Permits

When to Purchase/Register

Student permits are issued by semester. There are no annual permits. Semester permits will be available for purchase/registration online on the following schedule:

  • July 1 - Fall Semester
  • 12月. 1 - Spring Semester (蓝灰 & 克莱蒙特, Nov. 1)
  • April 1 - Summer Semester


住宅区 students must purchase their permit at the beginning of each semester. The cost of the permit parking is added to the student bill through the Office of the Bursar. The cost varies depending on the facility. Evening-only and remote parking options are also available at lower rates.

学生 without a permit may park in an available visitor facility at the daily rate, and pay by Bearcat Card or credit card.


停车 registration is required for all vehicles parking on the UC 蓝灰 (UCBA) campus, and are verified through license plate recognition.

Only UCBA students are permitted to register for UCBA parking access. UCBA students who live on the 住宅区 West Campus and require parking, must purchase a West Campus permit.


停车 registration is required for all vehicles parking on the UC 克莱蒙特 campus, and are verified through license plate recognition.

Only UC 克莱蒙特 students are permitted to register for a UC 克莱蒙特 student parking parking access.

Preventing Theft from Auto / Auto Theft

Thefts from auto and auto thefts are often preventable. Please see the safety tips below for more information on how you can reduce your risk.

  • your doors and close your windows. Criminals look for opportunity, and unlocked doors and open windows are easy opportunities.
  • Do 不 leave your keys or key fobs in your car. It may be convenient, especially for those with a push-button ignition, but it leaves your car vulnerable to auto theft.
  • Do 不 leave your valuables laying out. Take them with you, or hide them in your vehicle 之前 you arrive at your destination.
  • Do 不 leave items, such as phone chargers and change, in a visible place.
  • 公园 明亮的 and well-populated areas, preferably a parking garage.
  • 从来没有 leave your car running unattended.
  • If you are parking your vehicle for several days, check on it periodically.
  • Have your keys ready to use, but concealed, as you approach your car.
  • If someone approaches your car, do 不 roll your window down low enough that they could reach into your car.
  • A messy car is a deterrent, and tinted windows will 不 prevent thieves from seeing your belongings.
  • Keep a copy of your registration and insurance in safe (local) place.
  • 备份 your documents on a service such as Google Drive or Dropbox. That way, if your laptop is ever stolen, you will 不 lose your work.
  • If you see any suspicious activity, contact UCPD immediately when you feel safe to do so by calling 9-1-1 or, if you can不 make a call, using the tip feature on the Bearcat Guardian app.